Oh how I love holidays and this day has become one of my favorites! It is the time when family and friends get together most especially in the dining table and dissect turkeys! lol. Seriously, in our family, it has been a tradition for the past years to come together to say our prayers of thanksgiving for the wonderful blessings we received and to celebrate the gift of one another. Historically, day of thanksgiving originated to celebrate a wonderful harvest of the year. In my own version, I want to make a list of things I am genuinely grateful and thankful for:
First off all I am so thankful for my husband. For all the love, understanding, patience, and care he lavished upon me. It'll be our first year anniversary next month and we can't believe how fast it turned about. They say the first years are the most critical ones, however, we just agree to disagree. I have the very best ally, partner, housemate, driver, conscience, masseur, IT support, and best friend in the universe! Thank you so much my dear hubby!
Next is my family and my husband's family. Life could have been hard and sad if not for their love and support. For their significant guidance and their positive teaching, we are so blessed to have them as a part of our lives. For my sisters and my husband sisters, thank you for the joy and love. My family has gotten bigger and it's more fun!
I am also thankful for my CFC community. For keeping me grounded and always keeping me in God's service. For helping me grow in love and discipleship, for bringing great inspiration in our marriage, and for encouraging us to be good ambassadors of Christ's love, thank you!
I would also like to thank my friends, near, far, wherever you are! hahaha. You know who you are. Thank you for the loyalty and love. For keeping in touch and not letting the distance hinder what we have.
For my employer, thank you for the source of our livelihood! For being the means of sustaining our daily needs and wants. Thank you for all the good as well as the bad experiences which refine me in excellency and professionalism. I've met a lot of people from different places with different backgrounds and they taught me well about work and life.
Last but not the least, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to the Lord my God. If not for Him, I wouldn't have all the people and things I mentioned above. He is the one true source of everything that is good! Thank you for all the great harvests in my life.
All things will work for good to those who love Him. (Romans 8:28)
Likewise, may you get the chance to thank everyone that has made a difference in your life.
Have a wonderful and blessed Holiday y'all!